Image result for THERMITE

Jordan Trace also knows as Thermite, born on March 14 unknown year in Planto TX.
Trace join the Marines after he finishes high school. He serves in Iraq two times, and after his dismissal, he used his money to finish college at Texas A&M with a bachelors degree in science in chemistry. After that, he joined the FBI, and after 4 years of service, he joined the FBI SWAT.

Thermite is the most important support for attacking team, as one of the only hard breachers in the game.


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A Nagoya native, She was born on July 12, 1983. Her full name is Yumiko Imagawa.  She is a skilled operator which enters a very high-risk area with no hesitation. An expert martial artist, she joined the police force at the age of 18 years old. She was given a nickname as Hibana by being an explosive leader in the field, she gained her rare tactical Versatility while training with FBI swat and GIGN.

Hibana is a soft breacher that creates a hole in a fortified wall and also an infiltrator as a three-speed operator.

#3 ASH

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Coren was born and Raised in Jerusalem, after secondary school, she enrolled at  the TEL Aviv University, in Engineering program, after college, she joins Israeli defense force and become a prime candidate for mechanical maintenance and demolitions.

Ash is a fast front liner, that breach the wall to separate enemy attention for a second. Her gadget is modified m120 CREM breaching rounds.


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Mike baker known as Thacher is born on June 22, 1961, in Bideford. Baker enlisted in the military on his 18th birthday. A veteran of three wars, Baker was the oldest SAS operative on active until he was recruited by the rainbow.

Thacher is the breachers best friend cos of his gadget that destroys the anchor's gadgets that disable their defenses.


Seamus Cowden as Sledge is born on April 2 1982, at John o's Groats, he is a natural born leader and intimidating powerhouse, he holds the record in speed and strength in SAS qualifying exam.

Sledge is a soft breacher and infiltrator he uses his hammer to make destruction and infiltrate the area.


  1. It's a great game!!! Later I try to installed this game in my PC. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Wow! I was searching for good games to play and I stumbled upon this blog. Thanks for this!

  3. If you want yourself "wet" this is the game.

  4. im not into povs but still a nice recommendation

  5. Not an avid gamer, but I might try this soon.. Thanks for this!

  6. i dont know how to play this game is this FPS?

  7. interesting game! the characters as well is awesome from their own role!


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